Sunday, June 28, 2009

This Morning At The White House...

At 9 o'clock this morning, my alarm rang, alerting me that it was indeed time to get up. Today I was going on a private tour of the West Wing. This is the wing of the White House that contains the press briefing room and the Oval Office. My dad's friend's husband does technology stuff for the government so he was able to give us a tour. The first bit was kinda boring. We toured a really big building (which I cannot remember the name of) where most government employees work. The most exciting part of that was getting little boxes of M&M's that are available to the president when he flies on Air Force One. The M&M's are red, white, and blue :) Finally we went to the West Wing, which is surprisingly small. It was packed with Secret Service agents because the president was in a meeting. Which as cool as it sounds, was not so cool because we couldn't go into any of the cool rooms. We wandered around for a little while. We kept checking to see if the Oval Office was empty and on our second loop around we heard Obama talking to someone else in the conference! Which may not seem like much, but trust me, it was pretty exciting. After taking some pictures in front of the West Wing, we wandered into the press briefing room. This is the room where all the reporters go when the president announces something. You may have seen it on TV. It is way smaller than it appears on TV. There are probably 100 chairs; all of which are labeled with the name of a magazine, newspaper, news channel, or radio station. So whenever a newspaper or radio station sends in a representative, they know where to sit. I sat in the Washington Post chair. My mom sat in the NPR chair. Looking out the window, our Mr. Hunt (0ur guide) noticed the snipers walking around, which apparently means that the president is going to move locations fairly soon. Our loitering was paying off! We walked back to the hallway with the doors that opened into the famous Rose Garden. There's a walkway from the door where we were standing to another door that leads to the main part of the White House. Mr. Hunt said that the president would probably walk down the corridoor if he was going into the White House. We waited for about 10 more min. As the time elapsed, about 10 different secret service agents walked down the corridoor in golf clothes, talking about golf. Well it is sunday! Then finally we saw the Obama walk down the walkway. He turned and waved to us. He was like 20 feet away! It was basicly the most awesome thing ever.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty darn awesome!!! We toured the White House several years ago when Bush was in office. We didn't actually get to see him himself, but Air Force One took off while we are all outside the building and we waved. So he saw us, whether or not we got to see him. =D Still, I am much more impressed by your story. One of these days I need to get a tour of the West Wing...
