Monday, June 22, 2009

Music Review: The Sounds

At most concerts you go to there will be a few opening bands that you've never heard of. Some are good. Some suck. Most of the time you're not really paying attention. You're buying merch, or you're texting, or you're trying to find the people you were gonna meet up with. But once in a while you hear a band that really captures your attention.
Two sundays ago, I was at the No Doubt/Paramore concert at Nissan Pavilion. This band that I'd never heard of came on to play. They said their name was The Sounds and that they were from Sweden. They took off playing and suddenly, you were swept up in their edgy, 80's punk, disco sound. The lead singer's (Maja Ivarsson) smoky, slightly caustic voice really makes their music interesting. Her powerful, but easily understood lyrics really suck you in and once you get them trapped in your head, you're doomed. Even with their slightly dark sound, the keyboard adds just enough pop to make you want to get up and dance.
If you like alternative European bands like Franz Ferdinand, definetly check out The Sounds new album- Crossing The Rubicon.
Here's the link to my favorite song by them, "Painted By Numbers"

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